“Clair de Lune” is a beloved musical paragon of Romantic Impressionism composed by Frenchman Claude Debussy at just 25 years old. Debussy was an integral part of the impressionist movement, and “Clair de Lune” is perhaps the most striking example of his work. Despite its overwhelming popularity, “Clair de Lune” is only a small part of a four-piece suite named Suite Bergamasque, and the title was added last before its 1905 publication (Mccallum, 2017). The beautiful moniker translates to “moonlight” and was chosen in dedication to Paul Verlaine’s 1869 poem of the same name (Shapiro, 2000).
Regardless of whether you are a long-time fan or just approaching the sport for the first time, here’s what you need to know before your Tour de France experience this year!Today marks the beginning of the 106th Tour de France in Brussels, and in honor of this beloved tradition, we’re here to break down the basics of the 2019 race.
Regardless of whether you are a long-time fan or just approaching the sport for the first time, here’s what you need to know about this year’s Tour de France experience. Dr. Seuss said it best: “Oh, the places you’ll go.” |
October 2019
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